Page 17 - The Kettle May 2013

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City & Village Tours: 0845 812 5000
After lunch we’re off on a scenic coach tour to
Stratford. Kenilworth is England’s most romantic
ruined castle. Here Robert Dudley lavishly wooed the
Virgin Queen. We’ll stop on the causeway for the
best views. On through historic Warwick where we
see the massive castle representing a thousand years
of conspiracy, secrecy, scandal and high drama.
Stratford-upon-Avon, has against all odds, preserved
the essential character of a thriving Midland market
town. Beautifully set on the river Avon and teeming
with tales of “you know who” this is a marvellous
place for a short wander and afternoon tea.
You’ll be heading for home by 4-45pm.
Gentle walking only with plenty of opportunities
to sit down on a tour that is available Monday to
Saturday throughout the year.
Adults & Seniors: £16.50
Coach Mileage: 25