Page 13 - The Kettle July 2012

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City & Village Tours: 0845 812 5000
Blink & You Missed It
On Thursday 28 June 2012 at 9.19am the Mayor of
London Boris Johnson stepped out of a gondola on
the new Thames Cable Car. Sponsored by the airline
it is officially called The Emirates Air Line and here
is Boris with the airline’s Chief Executive flanked by
a pair of flight attendants as we are supposed to call
air hostesses nowadays. As openings go, now that
we are experts in the subject, it was, frankly, a bit of
a damp squib. But the cable car itself is good fun.
Craig and Raman from the City & Village Tours office
were among the first to take a flight on the new cable car.
Turn over to read Craig’s report of the day.
We are starting our new trips including a flight on the
cable car from late September, immediately after the
London Olympics. There are also new Christmas tours
including the cable car. See page 16 for more details.