Page 16 - The Kettle January 2012

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City & Village Tours :0845 812 5000
A Calendar of Seasonal Ideas
March - A Medway Mosaic
Spring flowers in the Great Expectations churchyard and
elsewhere on the Hoo peninsula the apple trees come in to blossom late March and into April.
April - The Other Royal River Explorer.
The river Thames bursts into life and the gardeners
are busy at the riverside homes of the stars.
May - Spring in the Royal Landscape.
God & global warming willing in May the Punch Bowl
by Virginia Water is a riot of colour, one of the best displays of azaleas and rhododendrons in Britain.
June - Rye or Hythe & the Romney Marsh.
90% of UK wildflowers have been lost in the past
60 years but not on Dungeness where pesticides were never used. June is a wonderful month here.